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How the Abacus helps in Brain Development

Abacus classes - BrainiacGym


Abacus is a tool that helps in brain development. Abacus works on the principle that the brain has two parts: the right and left parts. The right side of the brain is responsible for our visual-spatial abilities, whereas the left side of the brain deals with logical reasoning. When you perform abacus operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and other higher-level calculations by using your fingers to move beads along vertical rods or strings, you are activating both sides of your brain. This simultaneous activation increases neural connectivity between them and helps make new neurons in your brain. If you want to enhance your child’s intelligence quotient (IQ), I would highly recommend that you consider registering him/her for an abacus class today!


Abacus is a tool that uses beads to perform basic and advanced calculations.

Abacus is a tool that uses beads on a frame to perform basic and advanced mathematical calculations. Abacus has beads at both ends of the horizontal bar, which represents one digit. The beads are moved up and down by fingers to represent different values. Each bead represents a value of 1, 10, 100 etc., following the decimal system. The vertical bars below each column of beads help keep track of the sum or subtraction to be done in an equation.

The abacus starts with basic operations like addition, subtraction, etc.

The abacus starts with basic operations like addition, subtraction, etc. The abacus class has become a rage due to its effectiveness in brain development. This practice helps in enhancing the concentration power of the kid and eventually boosts his self-confidence.

After that, it goes to square roots, cube roots, higher-level operations like finding the sum of two numbers with a different number of digits, and then complex calculations.

It is true that an abacus is a tool that uses beads to perform basic and advanced calculations.

The first steps of learning how to use an abacus build upon addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square roots, and cube roots. As time passes, students are taught more complex operations such as finding the sum of two numbers with a different number of digits or solving equations using brackets.

Abacus training helps children develop their math skills along with their brain power which helps them in many other ways throughout their lives!

The abacus class has become a rage due to its effectiveness in brain development.

The abacus class has become a rage due to its effectiveness in brain development. Starting from the basic addition, subtraction and multiplication, it promises to make your kid’s math skills sharp as they grow up.

The abacus is an ancient counting tool that uses beads on wires or rods to perform basic and advanced calculations. The modern version of this tool consists of parallel rods with beads sliding along them. These beads are used to represent numeric values by their positions on the wires, similar to modern decimal notation (e.g., 786 = 700 + 80 + 6).

This practice helps in enhancing the concentration power of the kid and eventually boosts his self-confidence.

The study also found that the students who used the abacus were able to concentrate better than their counterparts who did not use it. This is because they need to focus on their work and understand the process completely in order to perform well in school. It also helps them develop self-confidence as they know they are good at something and can do it with ease!

While most parents want their children to excel academically, many do not realize how vital brain development is until they see how quickly it happens when their kids start using an abacus regularly.

The student feels confident when they perform a mathematical operation faster than the one performed by other students orally.

You feel good about yourself when you are able to work out a problem faster than your peers, or when you accomplish something that they cannot. This feeling of accomplishment is essential for the development of brain cells and their connections in your neural pathways. The more frequently this happens, the stronger the pathways become and the more confident you will feel about your ability to perform well on math problems in future quizzes and exams.

The act of using an abacus also helps improve hand-eye coordination as well as fine motor skills because students have to use their fingers to count on beads while keeping track at the same time. This makes it easier for them when they write down answers orally or if they need to write them down later on paper because it trains their minds on how many places each digit occupies within one column (or one row) of numbers so they can easily figure out where certain digits should go if they need to multiply or divide two numbers together again after learning how many places each digit occupies within one column (or one row).

Abacus classes help in the brain development of kids

The abacus is an ancient Chinese counting tool made up of beads that slide on a frame. It was invented by the ancient Chinese, who used it to count and perform arithmetic calculations. In China, children begin learning how to use an abacus at a very early age and many continue doing so until they are adults.

According to research conducted by Nanjing University in China, abacus classes help in the brain development of kids. The study found that regular practice using the abacus helps improve their skills in math while also improving their ability to retain information in their long-term memory


Abacus is a math tool that offers excellent help in brain development in children. It helps them to learn mathematical operations faster and also boosts their confidence. Some kids feel shy to speak out the answers orally in front of other students, but this practice with the abacus makes them confident enough to show off their skills and participate in every activity with great gusto.

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