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‘Indian government on Wednesday i.e 2 nd September, 2020 has banned many applications including the famous chinese game i.e PubG. PUBG Mobile was banned  for creating a negative impact on the minds of players.

The step taken by government has been appreciated by many but has broken the heart of pubg players. After this news , the people were more concerned about the game pubg. This step has been taken by the government due to the tensions at the India-China border.
Though, our academy definitely appreciate the decision taken by government. The students would now engage themselves in different activities instead of wasting many hours in PubG. The parents were so frustrated and irritated from this game, we think the parents will be the happiest one after listening the news. This game had made children violent and if affected the health of people. Students were
completely ignoring studies, performing poorly in examinations and even some extreme cases of violence, self-harm and even suicide. Various state authorities and ministers have also raised their concerns calling the game a ‘demon’ and source of addiction that is rotting youngsters’ minds.

The WHO declared gaming addiction as a mental health disorder. Also addiction of games increases anxiety. The students were so badly addicted to this game that they were not in their senses. Playing games is not bad, but the addiction created by this chinese game made students lost their mind . People just gets busy in their own world while playing this game. . They become socially isolated. They are not interested in meeting new people or doing something fun. They are just involved in their game which is not good for health. We have millions of games but pubg has affected its players in such a way that they have lost their senses.

We have also heard, how the game had spread the negativity all around, from suicides to accidental death to crime and fights with parents or friends etc. Infact parents were seeing the downfall in the marks of their children. Their mind is always present in the game. Also this game made children violent and frustrated. They have more interest in playing games instead of studying.

Mostly parents used to say ‘ hum to tang aa chuke hai is pubg se’. as their children were so involved in this chinese app that they have no sense of studying, eating, playing etc. The children were ready to leave everything but not pubg. This was the kind of addiction that were faced by students which frustrated the parents. Parents were so tensed that where their chikdren has been stucked. It became difficult for parents to get their chilren rid of this addicting game Pubg.

This game has affected the mental health of many. It has also weaken the mind of children as well as adults who are much into this game. As we all know consumption of anything excessive is always bad for health. In the same way, playing games excessively is bad for health and mind. Feedback given by the parents from our academy was, their children used to play Pubg for 5-6 hours per day. Also they used to watch other videos for 3-4 hours. So it is basically the whole day . They are into this game for the whole day. They have no sense of studying or doing anything productive, but needs their pubg. They do not understand the limit of playing this game.

They are ready to shut themselves in a room with their pubg. This addiction is very dangerous for physical as well as mental health of any individual. They are unable to sleep even.

Based on this news, teachers and parents are the happiest after listening this news. They must be relaxed now as their children will start spending their time with them and parents can now make their children do something productive which will help them to succeed in their future.

We are not against any of the games, but there should be a limit for it. The games should be played to freshen up the minds, but not to affect their mental or physical health. This is why parents and teachers are definitely supporting the decision taken by the government. Being teachers we also support this decision taken by the government. We have already made our students to watch television or mobile phones less as this weakens their mind. And to master oneself in a skill, one has to reduce watching games and television. Parents and teachers must guide their children to engage themselves in different activities or do something productive.

Also children should play the games but in a limited manner. It should not affect their physical and mental health. They should play to freshen up their mind. “Games should be a part of fun and enjoyment and not something which affect mental and physical

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