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Abacus classes - BrainiacGym
An obvious question that comes to parents’ minds when they plan to enrol their child to Abacus training. SO, WHAT IS THE IDEAL AGE? The very famous quote comes into the picture that “Learning has no age bars”, but when it comes to Abacus, it is not that accurate. You can learn abacus at “any age”. However, in order to master speed and mental calculation skills, one should begin at a “Very Young Age”. Though the abacus can be learned at any age, the potential benefits are seen when a kid starts learning the abacus during the early years of education. It is highly imperative that the student can count up to 100 prior to joining for Abacus training. Accountability for this pre-requisite is high, As Abacus has been taught all over from the age of 5 or 6. By this age, children acquire the necessary motor skills to handle the Abacus bead movements with higher confidence and thereby stay motivated. The higher the age, students will have more assignments from their academic studies, which will keep practising abacus at bay. Abacus demands a lot of practice to hone the skills and master the technique, and the time available to practice will be higher at younger ages compared to high school grades. Having said that, we do have many students who have done exceptionally well at higher grades. So, it depends. By the age 0f 5-6, Students have learned numbers, and immediately with abacus training, they start practising addition and subtraction. Continually reinforcing their comfort with numbers and operations from the beginning. Like in almost all subjects with young children, student results are much improved when the parent remains engaged, the same applies to Abacus too.

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