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Abacus classes – BrainiacGym Best Abacus Classes in United Kingdom



BrainiacGym Best Abacus classes in United Kingdom

ABACUS ~ The Perfect Catalyst

On average a person loves to hate Mathematics and numbers only become fun when you are fast in that game. “ABAX” originated in Babylon about 5,000 years ago and still has a vibe with our very own Generation Z for a reason. Widely popular in Japan, Russia, the Middle East, China, India and the UK.

Getting its roots from a Latin word,” ABACUS” brewed its own unique kind of History.

The best cognitive development of the mind happens to be in the age from 5 years until the age of 15 years, which makes it easier for the child to master the abacus.
Feeding minds of the young Learners with the natural way of cognition development is a great boosting factor for their overall growth.

Well, the answer is, “YES”.

Sustaining with consistent practice, the finger’s movement can be perfected such that even without the physical rod, the child is able to do the calculations. This is known as the “Mental Stimulation”.
Let’s Dive Deep Into the Core, Shall we?

Instead of the real abacus tool, the child makes an image of the abacus in his mind (like an abacus photo) and just by moving his fingers imaginarily, can perform the calculation. This exercises the brain to such an extent that complex calculations of multiplication and division can also be done within no time.
The abacus learning process involves the coordination among all our sensory organs like the ear, eyes, fingers and brain. This on the other hand helps in drastically improving the memory power, concentration, grasping power, reading, listening and executing power.
Abacus treads on the path which is “Level-wise”. As students move to the next higher level the difficulty level also increases accordingly with the increase in the no. of digits and no. of rows. “Consistent Practice” backs up in perfecting abacus calculation. The students can improve their speed in doing mental math calculations at a concrete level that stays with them throughout their lives.
Abacus is known to be the perfect catalyst to cultivate the fastest ways of calculating and learning math. Faster than a calculator, not only does an abacus gift young learners the opportunity to shine in the language of math from a really young age, but it also provides a solid foundation for learning the language of math in primary and high school.
Besides enhancing the overall comprehension of math – other important benefits of learning abacus calculation include the following:
Boosts better and faster calculation skills.
Increases endurance for stress and pressure.
Improves problem-solving abilities.
Sharpens concentration and observance.
Develops confidence and self-esteem.
Heightens stronger mental visualization skills.
Increases memory power and sharpens overall mental formation

1 Comment

  1. Harjeet kaur

    Abacus is a lifetime recharge for kids to gain mental capacity for overall growth and honing the skills of mastery in Maths. !! Brainiac gym serves the purpose for all.

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