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Handwriting Improvement Basic Elements & Qualities

Abacus classes - BrainiacGym

Writing is a part of our daily lives. Though we are now in an era where technology has overtaken everything but still writing is a must for every individual. We have to pen down our thoughts in our own handwriting as one cannot just depend on technology.  The brain engages differently when we write something by hand as opposed to typing it on a keyboard or by touching a screen.

Children who experience difficulty mastering handwriting may avoid writing and produce poorly written work. Children with poor handwriting will find it hard to proofread their own work. They will then fail to spot their mistakes and their confidence may dip even lower.

Therefore, BrainiacGym Academy– Handwriting Improvement Classes in Delhi is here to help the students to improve their handwriting and to get back the confidence which will definitely help them to succeed in life. There is a direct correlation between good handwriting & improved academic performance. The beautiful they write, the teacher themselves provide good marks. The most important part of the examination is child Presentation.

And the important part of the presentation is Handwriting. When students write with confidence & legible, they improve themselves in academics.

Basic elements required in improving handwriting

Some basic elements are required to improve handwriting. These are as follows:

  • Use of lined notebook:-  The basic element is to use a lined notebook. As we know the children start writing in four lines notebooks. Later they move to single line notebook. Therefore to use a lined notebook accordingly is a must.
  • Proper sitting posture:- one must use a study table or table or chair while doing work. Proper sitting posture is a must. A child must sit straight with bent knees.
  • Time for practice:- to improve handwriting, the child must practice on a daily basis. One has to do hard work to improve. We all have heard- ‘practice makes a man perfect’. So in the same way child should take out 1 hour to practice. It should be followed in every skill that we learn. No practice means no improvement. Handwriting Improvement Classes in Delhi helps managing time and improve significantly
  • Checking mistakes:- in handwriting, you must learn from your own mistakes. If you write two lines, just check where you have committed a mistake and try to improve the same in the next lines. It is true that one learns from his own mistakes.
  • Proper holding pen/pencil:- holding of pen/ pencil should be proper. Most students hold pen/ pencil in a different way as a result it affects their handwriting. Therefore parents should also look at it at the proper holding of the pen/ pencil.
  • Motivation to write good handwriting: Motivation is required in every field and everywhere. Therefore parents, as well as teachers, must motivate their children to write in good handwriting. Once you motivate them, they will definitely put effort to improve themselves.

Qualities of good handwriting

  • LEGIBILITY:- Handwriting should be legible. Legible handwriting is easy to read and causes no confusion. Students write with confidence and legibly.  It is also a reflection of the mind and character. The handwriting of a young man or woman which not legible is a sign of an untidy and careless mind.
  • DISTINCTIVENESS:- This means “each letter should have a characteristic form of its own. The letter should not be distorted or have a resemblance with some other letters. Each alphabet has its own uniqueness. Handwriting Improvement Classes in Delhi helps in improving and understanding the basic concepts.
  • SPACING:- It is an essential feature of a beautiful piece written by any individual. The spacing between the words should be proper. There should be one finger gap between the words. Proper spacing demands that the letters in a word, the words in a line, and the lines in a page should not be crowded too closely together.
  • SPEED:- According to “A.W.Frisby” the writing should not be labored but done at a reasonable speed. Speed combined with legibility comes with practice. With practice, the students set the speed of writing accordingly. The speed should be in such a way that when students write something it should be understandable.
  • SIMPLICITY:- Writing should be simple and neat.  Simple handwriting is in which letters have no unnecessary parts, tails or loops are always easy to read. The simple your writing, the beautiful it looks.
  • ATTRACTIVENESS:-  Neat and attractive is important. Students should be following all the points to make handwriting attractive.  Handwriting which is attractive and nice to look at is a great asset.

To sum up, beautiful handwriting is one in which the letters are well framed, even in size and suitably spaced, which is upright or slopes slightly forward in which the lines of writing and parallel to the topic of a sheet of the paper.

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