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Handwriting improvement Classes – Handwriting Improvement | Importance | Qualities of Good Handwriting | BrainiacGym Academy


Handwriting refers to a person’s writing created with a writing utensil such as a pen or pencil. The term encompasses both printing and cursive styles and is separate from formal calligraphy. Good handwriting also provides insights into the personality of the student. It reflects the clarity of ideas and the serenity of thoughts in the minds of the person who is writing.


Writing is forever. One has to write till the last breadth. Handwriting activates the brain more than keyboarding because it involves more complex motor and cognitive skills. English handwriting has a vital role to play in the composite school curriculum. Beautiful Handwriting not only attracts the reader but the writer also experiences pleasure in the process of writing. It is highly desirable that children should be taught the art of handwriting. Bringing to their notice certain fundamental principles and the mechanism of writing. A good beginning towards this direction can be made with early efforts in giving training in penmanship as described above.


1:- LEGIBILITY:- Handwriting should be legible. A legible handwriting is easy to read and causes no confusion. Students write with confidence and legibly. It is also reflection of mind and character. Illegible handwriting of young man or woman is a sign of untidy and careless mind.

2:- DISTINCTIVENESS:- This means “each letter should have characteristic form of its own. The letter should not be distorted or have resemblance with some other letters. Each alphabet have its own uniqueness.

3:- SPACING:- it is an essential feature of a beautifully written piece. The spacing between the words should be proper. There should be one finger gap between the words. Proper spacing demands that the letters in a word, the words in a line and the lines in a page should not be crowded too closely together.

4:- SPEED:- According to A.W.Frisby” the writing should not be labored but done at a reasonable speed. Speed combined with legibility comes with practice. With practice, the students set the speed of writing accordingly. The speed should be in such a way that when students write something it should be understandable.

5:- SIMPLICITY:- Writing should be simple and neat. A simple handwriting is which letters have no unnecessary parts, tails or loops is always easy to read. The simple your writing, the beautiful it looks.

6:- ATTRACTIVENESS:- Neat and attractive is important. All the points need to be followed to make handwriting attractive. Handwriting which is attractive and nice to look at is a great asset. To sum up , a beautiful handwriting is one in which the letters are well framed, even in size and suitably spaced, which is upright or slopes slightly forward in which the lines of writing and parallel to the topic of sheet of the

Children, parents, teachers feel very happy and confident by learning good handwriting. It gives them another level of satisfaction. As good handwriting is required in every field. One gets appreciated for their beautiful handwriting. Therefore, learning good handwriting is the key to success and progress.

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