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Abacus classes - BrainiacGym


Becoming a “Calculation Wizard” is a Dream come true, isn’t it?

Abacus a school subject goes Hand in Hand with Mathematics- Let us all know, “How”!

The very cliché yet a traditional statement that: “Maths is a nightmare”.Parents often ask at primary school why “Mathematics” is essential for the students.
The common base of the reason this subject is entitled to is that Math is a fundamental subject which has undeniably the most concrete role in a child’s educational development. But when “Abacus comes into the picture, it has proven to be a “Game – Changer”, Not only does It help children foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills, but also it lays the foundation for success in higher-level math and science courses and cultivates a positive effect on the overall academic journey of the child. For primary school students, Abacus is particularly important for building a strong foundation in numeracy and arithmetic. Performing calculations mentally trigger logical and critical thinking.

BRAINIAC GYM -As it sounds

“Motivation by parents is a protein to calculative muscles”.

Parents are the greatest source of a natural boost to their curiosity to do “Fast Calculations” when it comes to learning for a child and in that they can be given plenty of opportunities to practice. Involving them in activities that involve the use of numbers, like calculating transactions at a grocery store, working through abacus level-based problems and exercises at home, playing abacus-based games, and using online resources like abacus tutorials and games.

Another great way to encourage children to be on the go when it comes to uber-fast calculation habit formation is to enrol them in online Abacus classes like BrainiacGym – The best Abacus classes. These Abacus classes are curated to keep the children super engrossed in mathematical activities on the Abacus tool and perform mental calculations. Their game-based online classes help children comfortable with numbers by transforming the abstract nature of numbers into tangible objects. This helps develop a deep understanding of math concepts and improve their calculation skills.

BrainiacGym ensures to make it a great way for children to practice math in a fun and engaging way. Everything is designed to make concepts more accessible and interesting, and they can help children develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills which are highly required to sustain in an ever-growing competitive world.

Lastly, Mental Stimulation plays an imperative role in a child’s academic journey and parents have a key role to play when it comes to encouraging their children to excel in everything for their overall development.

Parent-centric approach in wielding a way for their children to become “Calculation Wizards” is a major contributing factor to keeping the child motivated and developing a positive attitude towards numbers and “Abacus as a Subject”. With the help of the above-mentioned strategies, children can develop strong calculation skills and build a solid foundation for success in the future.

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