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Abacus Helps in Aptitude Tests and Math Olympiad

Abacus Learning Repairs Brain Integration and How It Is Used to Improve Performance in Aptitude Tests and Math Olympiad

Math is not a favorite subject of many students some like it because it involves a lot of logic while others find it hard to do any calculations and to solve certain problems. Also one of the most effective tools that has remained to be believed is the *Abacus learning paradigm of the ancients. According to its historical background, the Abacus is now not only a traditional instrument that can improve a child’s ability in mental calculations, but it also has positive effects on his or her performance in aptitude tests and competitions such as the *Math Olympiad*.


In India and other parts of the world, where children go through tough and competitive academic environments, learning and understanding through Abacus is becoming an important part of the learning processes as far as competition is concerned. This blog will also cover how Abacus training can improve aptitude test performance, most specifically involving mathematical ability, and potentially become a great tool for students who are aiming to perform well in Math Olympiads across the globe.

The Core of Abacus Learning: Having to recall basic operations and perform mental calculations is a quite stressful activity for the learners which also emphasizes focused thinking.

The Abacus is an elementary and old instrument which primarily serves numeration, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and divisional purposes. Although the physical object in question may look quite simple it is the particular approach to solving the arithmetic problems that makes the device a valuable invention. As students practice on the Abacus regularly they come to visualize the movements of the beads in their heads, and therefore they can solve problems even in a split second without having to possibly take out pencils, sharpeners, or even calculators. This process of *mental visualization* enhances learning parameters such as memory & concentration besides difficulty-solving skills which are important in daily endeavours as well as tests.

In the following ways, it is now clear how Abacus Learning improves Aptitude Test performance:

Business takes note of the mental ability test which is quite typical in school reviews, entrance examinations and competitive pursuits which determine a student’s problem-solving skills, logical and mathematical skills. The kind of calculation wherein students learn to do calculations mentally is very useful in these time-bound exams and this is where the Abacus learning proves its worth.

Here’s how Abacus learning enhances aptitude test performance: Here’s how Abacus learning enhances aptitude test performance:

1. *Speed And Accuracy *:

Indicated aptitude tests may entail the student solving several problems in a limited amount of time. Such training with the abacus enhances the efficiency and precision of the results in computations among people. There are certain benefits known to students who make it a habit to practice Abacus; students who practice Abacus regularly will take seconds to solve mathematical problems thereby giving an edge over fellow students.

2. *Enhanced Concentration*:

Analytical ability tests require a lot of concentration and those who are working on multiple sections check different skills. It also assists in the development of concentration since, while learning the abacus, one has to focus on visualization and do mental computations. This should enable students to manage their time well and reduce mistakes, especially during examinations.

3. *Confidence Building*

: There are cases where students develop anxiety when solving certain mathematical problems as this affects their performances in tests. The training was an effective method of building confidence as the students gained knowledge of solving problems quickly by building their own Abacus. Understanding obtained through problem-solving and consequent accomplishment in mental calculations makes students face aptitude tests with increased confidence.

4. *Developing Logical Thinking*

: Learning of abacus improves logical reasoning in a student as well as the ability to tackle problems systematically. Aptitude test involves working out problems in tabular forms and it is here that the skills learnt through Abacus Training come in handy because the trainees learn how to subdivide the problems into what can easily be solved.
Why Abacus Becomes A Game-Changer In Math Olympiads

The Math Olympiad is one what is considered to be among the best competitions in which students can participate showcasing their mathematical skills. It also quizzes them on several tasks concerning arithmetic as well as more complicated tasks extending to algebra, geometry, and number theory. Most of the student’s strengths may lie in theoretical mathematics, time is of the essence when doing Math Olympiads since they are timed events.

This is where Abacus learning becomes an X-factor: This is where Abacus learning becomes an X-factor:

1. *Faster Calculations at Lightning Speed*

: Math Olympiads thus involve numerous questions which have to be solved in as little time as possible. The utilization of abacus vocabulary enables the students to do calculations much faster than regular students hence enabling them to answer many questions within the limited time effectively. The mental mathematics derived out of practising with Abacus helps a student to solve severe problems without taking help from normal methods of calculations such as long multiplication or division.

2. *Boosting Problem-Solving Abilities*:

Similar to the Math Olympiad questions, it is a general set of problems that are created to check the student’s knowledge in mathematics and, at the same time, his or her creativity and ability to solve a problem in the shortest time possible. The manipulative skills and mathematical thinking abilities that the learner acquires while using an abacus to solve a mathematical computation result in students improving on the Olympiad style of questions.

3. *Improved Number Sense*

: Training in the abacus effectively helps a learner make the neural connections that help them to develop what educationists call number sense-ability to work with numbers fluidly, to be able to spot patterns and this is very useful when it comes to solving mathematical problems usually encountered in Olympiads.

4. *Handling Pressure*:

Math Olympiads are contested, and as such, the competition is very stiff and this may result in a lot of pressure. Students trained with an abacus, however, have learned to solve problems within a limited time while practising their exercises. Since it makes them comfortable when dealing with pressures from time-bound competitions, it will enable them to be calm and give the best of their best.
Advantages of the System for Parents as well as Schools across the Globe

As for the parents, the benefits of enrolling their children in the Abacus training are numerous. These are not merely good scores in aptitude tests and Math Olympiads—Abacus training sharpens a child’s brain and in the process, positively affects their grades across the board subject areas. Also, skills like discipline, accuracy and perseverance which are employed while practising the abacus have the potential to help a child in the future other than practising arithmetic.

In schools, when implemented in schools the Abacus training should be incorporated into the school’s curriculum so that overall performance is boosted. The schools that have incorporated Abacus training programs normally record an improvement in the performance of their students in Mathematics and other areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Making mathematics a primary component of learning at an early age, preparing students for Math-based professions which are increasingly being demanded in the world today will be useful by training them on the Abacus.

Abacus Learning: Education and the X-Factor as a Route Map into the Future

‘Maths’ learning using an abacus does not only improve students’ mathematical skills, but global skills that can benefit learners across different fields. The enhanced capability to perform calculations in the blink of an eye, better problem-solving ability and increased concentration power make Abacus training an X factor in the success of students at an academic level.

For enhancing scores gained in aptitude tests, victory in Math Olympiads, and enhancement of everyday performance in school, Abacus learning provides an effective and efficient approach to increase a child’s mathematical and information processing potential. New combinations and innovations in the education systems of India and of the world may come and go but the Abacus remains one of the most effective tools that could equip a set of students with the necessary weapon of effective academic as well as extra academic battle.

From the perspective of students, parents as well as educators, *Abacus learning* is a worthy investment because it is an investment not only into the future but into the unlimited one.

BrainaicGym Academy of Abacus has been serving for the past 11 years to provide the best experience to the students to learn efficiently without feeling any burden along with their normal studies. The same is evident and available to witness on all our social media handles, where one can witness how the BrainiacGym family is rocking calculations with a variety of courses to opt from.



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