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Abacus classes - BrainiacGym
In Today’s modern world: A saviour “Vedic Maths”
Let’s Explore
In this uber-competitive era, many students are utilising Vedic Maths to get on the pedestal for their competitive exams. At BrainiacGym Academy religiously following this Vedic method, Crucial and complex problems can be easily solved. In comparison to general mathematics, Vedic mathematics gives students an edge they might not get from general mathematics.
Fact check –  Vedic Maths is embedded with versatility that even NASA has adopted certain concepts from Vedic Mathematics to artificial intelligence. Currently, Vedic Maths is being put in the curriculum in schools, and a high emphasis is being placed on those students who are curious to explore further about the subject.BrainiacGym Academy has been teaching at a pro level for the past 11 years to make Vedic maths more innovative and more natural. Feels familiar with the acceptance of yoga for physical well-being and meditation for inner well-being.
Vedic Maths and it’s Two Domains:
Traditional and Modern. The traditional method uses a combination of symbols and numbers, whereas the modern method uses only numbers. Both methods have their own benefits and drawbacks. For instance, at our BrainiacGym Academy, we let students practice both ways as the traditional method requires a lot of practice while solving equations, but it provides better insight into the problem. Comparatively, the modern method is much simpler and provides speedy calculations,however it does not provide in-depth understanding. Whereas, both methods work hand in hand to boost a holistic approach to Vedic Mathematics.
Traditional Vedic Mathematics (TVM) is based on the ancient Indian system of numerical calculations. This system has been used since the time of the Indus Valley Civilization. The basic unit of this system is the “Bindu”. A Bindu represents 1/10th of a whole number. The most common form of TVM is known as “Surya Siddhanta” (Sunyata). Surya Siddhanta is used to solve any type of equation
There are three main branches of Vedic Maths: Arithmetic, Algebra, and Geometry. Each branch has its own set of rules and procedures. These rules and procedures are based on ancient Indian texts like the Vedas. In today’s modern world, all the above methods are very useful and helpful to all age groups. Vedic maths has been proven to be a strong pillar in many students’ lives.

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