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Abacus Classes – Vibe with Visualisation

Abacus classes - BrainiacGym

Hey Abacus learners! Our Dreams are visualisation of our curiosities, Interests, Goals and something that sets us apart from others. In Abacus too, Visualisation is not merely a technique but rather a companion that goes with you for a long way. It helps in numerous ways to sky-rocket the calculation proficiency, and at the same time leaves no stone unturned in creating greater interest to speedify your potential. So, get on board if you want to witness a great visual treat of calculations at BrainiacGym Academy of Abacus.

Visualization in the abacus is a mental technique that allows you to imagine and manipulate the beads on the abacus in your mind. When you’re solving math problems using an abacus, instead of physically moving the beads, you create a mental image of the abacus and perform calculations mentally.BrainiacGym Academy of Abacus has been helping learners for the past 11 years to cultivate this from the root level to last for longest of the time, not only to enhance calculation power for a longer duration but also to sustain curiosity to learn life-long upgradation and maintain learning habits.


Visualizing the abacus can indeed enhance its effectiveness and help users maximize their mental math abilities. Let’s dive into it!

When using an abacus, visualizing the beads and their positions in your mind can significantly improve your speed and accuracy. By mentally manipulating the beads, you can perform calculations more efficiently and effectively.

To unlock the power of visualization with the abacus, it’s essential to develop a strong mental image of the physical tool. Imagine each bead and its position on the rods, visualizing them as you would see them on an actual abacus. This mental image allows you to perform calculations mentally, without physically moving the beads.

As you practice, you can start visualizing the abacus in different colours or assign specific values to each colour. This technique helps in performing calculations involving multiple digits or complex operations. By associating colours with numbers, you can quickly identify and manipulate the beads in your mind, making calculations faster and more accurate.

Visualization can also be applied to specific techniques, such as the “casting out nines” method. This method involves adding the digits of a number repeatedly until a single digit remains. By visualizing this process on the abacus, you can quickly determine if a calculation is correct or if an error has occurred.

Moreover, visualization techniques can be combined with mental math strategies, such as breaking down numbers or using shortcuts. For example, when multiplying two numbers, you can visualize the abacus to simplify the calculation by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable steps.

Practising visualization with the abacus regularly can help strengthen your mental math skills and improve your overall mathematical abilities. It trains your brain to think in terms of numbers and enhances your ability to perform calculations mentally.

Remember, visualization is a skill that improves with practice. The more you engage in mental math exercises and visualize the abacus, the more proficient you’ll become. So, keep practising and exploring different visualization techniques to unlock the full power of the abacus!

Overall, visualization in the abacus is a valuable tool for students to improve their math skills, concentration, spatial awareness, and confidence. It’s a fun and effective way to enhance their mathematical abilities and make math more enjoyable!

Why wait? Join now! BrainiacGym Academy of Abacus is now in Canada, The United States of America, the United Kingdom, UAE. Your search for the best Abacus classes ends here! Try yourself to find out! Stay tuned for more exciting news on the way this new year:) Happy Abacus learning Amigos:)

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